The other day my friends and I were laughing at a comical sunglasses ad that quoted their designer saying “the only way to do a thing is to do it”. Jokingly, we talked about how I should do a blog post about how profound this is, and then later that night as I was thinking over it, I was like, actually, it can be deeper than it first appears and yes, I think I will blog about it haha!
As a kid, I don’t think I’m alone in having a long list of “when I grow up I want to do ___”, and some of these things are cute, silly things like eating a whole batch of cookie dough (never ever something I wanted to do of course ;P ) but other things are more noble, deeper and important things and ways we want to make a difference in this world. And as the years go by, and priorities change and life moves on, many of those things fall to the back of our minds as the immediate distractions and goals take their place of school, uni, getting a job etc. And we think to ourselves, once we’ve reached this next stage, then I’ll do that thing I’d like to do. That stage comes, but along with it are other things to do and we put it off again. But, the only way to actually do it, is to literally just do it! One example of this in my own life, is that when I was an early teen, I really wanted to start up a Young Life club in my local area “when I was a grown up” and then 2 years ago, I realized that I actually was a grown up now and I can just do it! And I am and it’s awesome, and I’m so glad that I didn’t decide to put it off until my studies were done, or I had more people helping me or any other ‘condition’ was met, to be able to do what I had felt God had put on my heart to do.
In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says to His disciples “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” He doesn’t give all these prerequisites, or give conditions, or give exceptions. He just says “Go”. And there’s no other way to tell people about Jesus other than to just tell them, or literally just ‘do it’. You can love people like Jesus does, and live in a Godly way that shows people through your actions that there’s something different about you. And that can often spark conversations, so it’s really important both as a witness and for yourself to be following Jesus in how you live. But, it can’t stop there. We have an instruction from Jesus to make disciples and teach others what God has and is teaching us. And “the only way to do things [making disciples] is to do it [tell them about Jesus]”.
It can be very daunting, and today’s world, that is pushing Christianity further and further aside, can make it more difficult than perhaps it used to be. But God is ‘with us always’ and He is the same God from creation, through all of the Bible, today, and forever. So we don’t have to fear or avoid this special mission He’s given us and no matter what our season of life looks like, we shouldn’t put it off. All we need to do is do it.
